Electronic recording of incoming and outgoing documents; data box.
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Benefits and key features
Electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) is a set of activities ensuring that the document’s life cycle runs correctly. The document is recorded at individual workplaces /document management nodes/ throughout the whole life cycle. From receiving to destruction or handover:
- receiving or creating a document,
- the document is registered, processed and all operations are recorded in its history
- the document is processed, forwarded or sent,
- the processed document is stored in the registry during the destruction period,
- files are stored in the registry according to the document management plan as determined by the document management rules,
- after the destruction period is over, the file is discarded. This is followed by a physical destruction of the document or its transfer to the archive for permanent storage.
Related legislation (in Czech only): “Zákon č. 499/2004 Sb., o archivnictví a spisové službě” and amendments to Certain Acts, as amended “Zákon č. 250/2014 Sb.“
The data box is a state-guaranteed communication tool that replaces the traditional recorded delivery letters and serves mainly to communicate with public authorities. According to the act: „Zákon č. 300/2008 Sb., o elektronických úkonech a autorizované konverzi dokumentů“ from November 1, 2009, the data box at CTU was activated. The data box is common to all faculties and other CTU parts. Individual data messages / documents / are sent from the Filing office via the EDRMS service to individual filing offices of faculties and university parts.
- Access and functionality depend on the assigned role in UserMap system.
- Login data: username and CTU password.
Getting started
Related legislation (in Czech only):
- Spisový a skartační řád ČVUT (směrnice kvestora č. 84/2007).
- Manipulace s dokumenty na ČVUT v Praze (metodický pokyn č. 01/07 HS).
- Datová schránka ČVUT v Praze (metodický pokyn č. 02/09 HS).
- The operation of iFIS / SPS is governed by the general rules of CTU, especially:
Pravidly používání sítě ČVUT a Pravidly používání IS ČVUT. - Metodický postup odesílání datových zpráv přes datovou schránku z podatelen fakult a součástí ČVUT, udělení oprávnění přístupu do systému DS, úhrady nákladů na odeslání (směrnice kvestora č. 100/2012).
The CTU Archive is authorized to handle the methodology of document management system.
Authorization to operate (czech only).