Ït is an integrated environment with applications and services that let you focus on what you enjoy. Get apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more that are updated every month to include the latest features and security updates.
Available for
Students, Employees
Benefits and key features
Major applications and services include:
Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams, Forms, Project, To-Do, Planner, Bookings, Stream
Availability of services and applications according to the assigned license.
Before you start
What’s new in Microsoft 365
Office365 cloud services now have the highest possible security level. (News 5.2.2024)
Login: To log in, do not use the CTU e-mail address, but the login data for the CTU account in the format: username@cvut.cz and the CTU password.
Microsoft performs a backup of the service in case of a global failure. More information can be found on this page .
CIC CTU does not back up data in the Microsoft Exchange online environment (Office 365) for the needs of individual recovery requests.