Several instances based on the electronic tool Moodle are available to support e-learning education.

Available for

Students, Employees, Partners, Public

Benefits and key features

  • system for accredited courses is operated at,
    • moodle-vyuka is integrated with the system for studies administration – KOS, so courses and schedules can be set up automatically for teachers and students, including the possibility to divide them into groups according to lectures, tutorials or laboratory exercises,
  • system for other courses not related to standard classes is operated at,
    • it allows to create courses for the public, preparatory courses for entrance examination, etc.
  • Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
  • set up of courses for teachers is managed by faculty courses administrators,
  • the above mentioned systems are provided centrally for the whole university; within CTU you can meet other moodle instances that are administered by individual faculties or departments.


  • CTU username and password are required for use.

Getting started

Content owner: CIC - Department of Study IS (81311) , Last change: 31.07.2020