
CTU Card Centre
address:  Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, entrance B3, Praha 6
phone:   +420 224 358 472

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday      9:00 – 11:30
                                12:30 – 15:00

Branch office in Děčín
contact person: Bc. Josef Drobný
address: Pohraniční 1288/1, 40502 Děčín
office: 203
phone: +420 770 127 058


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Price list

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It is a basic identification card of the CTU student. The user can choose from two types of ID cards:
CTU student card or CTU student card with ISIC license

The ISIC card can be issued or extended for the academic year 2024/2025 at first on 1.9.2024.

Available for


Benefits and key features

 Both types of cards are used:

  • to verify identity of the holder when entering the CTU premises,
  • in the CTU libraries and in the National Technical Library,
  • for meals at the premises of the Service Facilities Administration CTU (canteens, dormitories),
  • to verify identity in the CTU security systems,
  • as a proof of study for external organizations (i.e. transport companies, financial institutions, etc.) in order to get student discounts and free entries according to the internal rules of these companies,
  • as a proof of study when purchasing Prague public transport ticket,
  • for payments in the CTU Payment System (printing, parking).

The CTU Student Card and the CTU+ISIC Student Card are issued simultaneously as The European Student Card (ESC). After issuing these cards, an activation e-mail will be sent to the holder for activating the ESC. More information on

CTU Student Card

Sample – front side

Sample – back side

CTU Student Card with ISIC license

Sample – front side

Sample – back side

Only a full-time student can be holder of valid ISIC license.

 Advantages of CTU Student Card with ISIC license:

  • internationally accepted student identification in more than 130 countries,
  • discounts on transportation, insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic,
  • favourable student tariff for calls and data,
  • discounts in cinemas, theaters and other cultural institutions,
  • discounts at festivals and other events,
  • discounts in selected shops, restaurants, ski resorts,
  • an annual bonus for student bank account (only in selected banks).

Digital ISIC in mobile phone

To take advantages of students discounts, it is possible to download ISIC in digital form to your mobile phone (not applicable for school purposes). The condition is an issued and valid CTU+ISIC Student Card, an installed Alive App application in mobile phone and activated profile.


  • Student must be registered in the CTU Information System, it is possible to come for the card on the following day after the registration for studies has taken place.
  • The CTU card is issued or extended for the relevant academic year from 1.6.
  • The CTU ISIC card is issued or extended for the relevant academic year from 1.9.
  • When applying for the card it is necessary to bring:
    • identity card (ID card or passport)
    • enough cash in case of payment (no debit/credit cards accepted),
    • student will be digitally photographed in the CTU Card Centre for free,
    • it is also possible to bring a colour photo of yourself of the ID format with following parameters: the photo must show entire face from the front, current user appearance, with a light monochromatic background and has to be well readable.


CTU student card: first issue – free, lost/damage/change – 230 CZK, extension of validity – free.
CTU student card with ISIC license: first issue/lost – 480 CZK, damage/change – 230 CZK, extension of ISIC validity – 250 CZK.

Please note:  Payment is possible only in cash (no debit/credit cards accepted).

Getting started

For more information on using cards see The Rules for issuing and using the Identification Cards at CTU (in Czech only).
Some operations related to card issuance and complaint are subject to a fee. See the Price List for details (in Czech only).


Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 28.06.2024