
CTU Card Centre
address:  Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, entrance B3, Praha 6
phone:   +420 224 358 472

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday       8:00 – 15:30
Friday                             8:00 – 15:00

Branch office in Děčín
contact person: Bc. Josef Drobný
address: Pohraniční 1288/1, 40502 Děčín
office: 203
phone: +420 770 127 058


Electronic reservation

Current queue


Price list until 31/10/2024

Price list from 01/11/2024

Request support

It is a basic identification card of the CTU employees and other non-students.

News: On Friday 18.10.2024 the Card Centre will be closed due to IS shutdown.

Notice: Our phone line is often very busy before the start of the winter semester and during its first few months (September – November). As a result, you may not be able to receive assistance via phone.

Available for

Employees, Partners

Benefits and key features

The card is used to identify the holder and allows access to CTU premises, payment in the CTU canteens, registration at the Central Library, entry to the car park, etc.

The PERSONAL card is issued to all non-students (part-time employees, participants in lifelong learning courses, external persons, partners, cooperators)

Sample – front side  Sample – back side

The first card issuance is free of charge or is paid by the faculty / university part. In case of loss or damage by user a fee 230 CZK is charged (see the Price List for details – in Czech only).


In order to issue a new card, the following has to be ensured:

1)  the person must be registered in the CTU Information System,

  • the employment relationship must be registered by the personal department in EGJE database (formerly PMSV),
  • other valid relationships must be registered by the personal department in Central Identity Register (CRI), in case of participants in lifelong learning courses by the study department in KOS system,
  • if personal data do not match the data recorded in the CTU Information System, card will be issued only after correction by the relevant department and after the data are transferred to card register (on the following day).

2)  at the CTU Card Centre it is necessary to present,

  • proof of identity (ID card or passport),
  • the person will be digitally photographed on the spot for free,
    • it is also possible to bring a colour photo of yourself of the ID format with following parameters: the photo must show entire face from the front, current user appearance, with a light monochromatic background and has to be well readable.

Getting started

For more information see The Rules for issuing and using the Identification Cards at CTU (in Czech only).
Some operations related to card issuance and complaint are subject to a fee. See the Price List for details (in Czech only).
The new price list applies from November 1, 2024. (only in Czech)

Information on changing a card before its validity expires.

Holders of PERSONAL cards, older types of EMPLOYEE or GUEST cards, whose validity will expire soon (the date is printed on the card), can apply for a free replacement card. The card will be replaced at the CTU Card Centre.
In order to get a new card, it is necessary to prove identity and bring a current colour photo of a passport size, or the person will be photographed at the CTU Card Centre.


Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 09.10.2024