The subject of the service is the operation of the CTU News Service web application providing a comprehensive overview of university news content (news, reports, press releases, news from the media and others).

Available for

Students, Employees, Partners, Public

Benefits and key features

  • A clear summary of all types of news in one place.

More information

  • The application is available in Czech and English.
  • The application owner – Chancellor of CTU in Prague (currently Ms. Lucie Orgoníková) is responsible for the functional page.
  • Content is managed by relevant editors, under the supervision of the main administrators from the Department of Multimedia and Web Presentation of the Computing and Information Center, who also provide content and editorial accounts administration.
  • Editorial accounts changes are subject to application owner approval.
  • Receiving requests and technical support are provided through the CTU Helpdesk application.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Multimedia and Web Presentation (81320) , Last change: 08.07.2021