CTU’s academic information system consists of several interconnected applications which serve the university’s wide-ranging needs. KOS (academic scheduling and administration – has two interfaces: a desktop application for academic officers and a web interface for students and instructors), Mobility (support for international mobility, incl. study abroad programmes), Moodle (support for online instruction), Private (disbursement of scholarships), Přihláška ČVUT/Application Form (electronic application for admission to all types of academic programmes), Anketa (student course evaluations), Bílá kniha (overview of study plans), BOOK (publications) and Matrika (announcements from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports). The core of the entire system is the KOS database.
Most faculties use additional applications which augment the capabilities of CTU’s academic information system according to each faculty’s specific needs. You will find information about these applications on the individual faculties websites.