
CTU Card Centre
address:  Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, entrance B3, Praha 6
phone:   +420 224 358 472

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday      9:00 – 11:30
                                12:30 – 15:00

Branch office in Děčín
contact person: Bc. Josef Drobný
address: Pohraniční 1288/1, 40502 Děčín
office: 203
phone: +420 770 127 058


Electronic reservation

Current queue


Price list

Request support

The CTU Card Centre issues and administrates CTU ID cards and helps set up new or forgotten passwords.

The ISIC card can be issued or extended for the academic year 2024/2025 at first on 1.9.2024.

We issue these types of CTU chip cards:

We also provide:

Please note:  Payment is possible only in cash (no debit/credit cards accepted).

We recommend you to make an online reservation to avoid long queues.

What to do in case of:

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 26.07.2024 , Štítky: CTU-ID-cards