Central Identity Register is an application for recording persons at CTU, and like applications KOS and MOBILITY works above a basic database UserMap. It also serves for creating relations of persons to CTU, excluding employee and student relationships.

Available for


Benefits and key features

  • it allows to check whether a person is already registered in the CTU information system,
  • it enables creating a personal profile in the CTU information system,
  • it allows recording of key identification personal data,
  • it enables to administrate selected relations of a person to CTU (professor emeritus, external teacher, lifelong learning participant and others).


Only a group of authorized HR officers has access rights to CRI.

Getting started

The management of personal data is based on the directive „Příkazu rektora č.2/2019 Pravidla evidence osob a zápisu osobních údajů v informačním systému ČVUT“ (in Czech only).
Authorization to operate (czech only).

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 24.08.2022