(updated 2021-04-27)
ORCID identifiers give researchers their unambiguous and persistent identities. This resolves the problem of distinguishing researchers with the same name, as well as handling name changes or the use of different scripts or variant forms of the names.
More than 11 million ORCID profiles are registered globally.
The Czech Technical University is a member in ORCID. In a cooperative project of the Computing and Information Centre and the Central Library, support for ORCID iDs was introduced in the CTU Information system in 2016. CTU users link their ORCID profiles in the Usermap component (the centralized user management environment). V3S (the research output registration system) displays ORCID iDs when the users are entered as authors of research outputs. In 2020 V3S started using ORCID iD as the mechanism of preference for linking authors of articles in journals with impact factor from the Web of Science database. The following chart shows the number of CTU researchers with ORCID iDs entered in Usermap:
Since 2020-12-07, when we started the latest information campaign, nearly 2000 CTU researchers have entered their ORCID iDs in Usermap.
In 2018 also the national Current Research Information System for Czechia, the RIV, introduced support for ORCID iDs (as optional), and the CTU has started submitting ORCID iDs in the same year. A recent announcement declared that these identifiers will be strongly recommended for authors of journal articles and proceedings papers.
The set of research outputs to go in this years CTU’s submissions in the RIV was fixed on 2021-04-01. The following charts show the development of the ORCID iD shares:
Currently 90.6 % of the authors of the results where the ORCID iD is strongly recommended have linked their ORCID iDs in Usermap. This includes authors who have already left CTU.
Reporting the outputs of CTU research is vital for building and maintaining our image as a leading scientific institution in Czechia and within the broader region, and it also plays an important role in securing the funding for our research in the future.
We thank all the CTU employees, students, visiting staff and external collaborators for their continuing efforts in performing, publishing and reporting the results of research that is done at the CTU.