ORCID iD identifies you as a researcher, regardless of your current, past or possibly concurrent employments. Avoid creating another ORCID account, stick to using your current one. If you forgot your password, you can reclaim your record, just read on.

No. The list of employments is one section in the ORCID record, the list of publications or other works is a different, entirely independent one. The works in the ORCID record do not have any data on the affiliations of their authors. Just entering your ORCID iD in Usermap will not affect your publication list at ORCID. The author can have as many academic affiliations (employments) in his/her ORCID record as he/she wants. So linking your ORCID iD to the CTU will not make all your publications appear as if you authored them while affiliated with the CTU.

Former employees and students have access to Usermap even after their relationship with the CTU ended. If their password is no longer valid, they can try the procedure described at https://ist.cvut.cz/en/support/user-manuals/password-change/, which include an option to reset the password via telephone (item 4 – emergency solution).

Please follow the procedures described at https://ist.cvut.cz/en/support/user-manuals/password-change/, which include an option to reset the password via telephone (item 4 – emergency solution).

You can try to reset your password at https://orcid.org/reset-password .
If that fails (e.g. because you can no longer access your former e-mail account), contact the ORCID support staff: https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us/requests/new.
You can also configure your ORCID login using the CTU password (with the “Access through your institution” button – see https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us/articles/360006972693).

Other situations and their resolution can be found at the ORCID pages on the website of the CTU Central Library.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Science and Research IS (81312) , Last change: 11.10.2023