The eduroam password is used to access the eduroam world-wide wi-fi network, which provides free access to network devices of participating educational and scientific institutions.

Available for

Students, Employees

Benefits and key features

  • easy and free connection to involved eduroam networks,
  • for greater security it is separated from CTU Password,
  • you can set it in UserMap.

Getting started

For historical reasons, more than one wireless network system is operated at CTU, but only some use the university eduroam password. You can get a basic overview from this table:


example of username


Login to roaming wi-fi network eduroam – university authentication

eduroam password

Login to roaming wi-fi network eduroam – faculty authentication

faculty eduroam password

You can set the eduroam password after login to UserMap. Find your profile, open your personal page, go to Settings and then to eduroam password settings. Then follow the instructions.

Attention!  The eduroam password is transmitted through the air and therefore is less secure by nature. Always set the eduroam password different from the CTU password or other passwords important for you and when setting the device follow the instructions.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 26.08.2024