Central purchase of VMware products. In November, the CTU, as the Authorizing Contracting Authority, was given the opportunity to purchase most of VMware’s range of products, based on a framework agreement won and concluded by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (MV).
Available for
Benefits and key features
- the possibility of advantageous purchase through several verified and authorized distributors,
- the purchase covers not only products but also related services,
- each purchase takes place in the form of a shortened tender, either through the MoI or directly using the electronic marketplace.
All financial obligations arising from the implementation of the mini-tender for the acquisition of the products listed above are acquired on behalf of the contracting authority and the authorizing authority has allocated sufficient financial resources to cover these expenses.
Before you begin
In the drop-down menus below you will find answers to how to buy, as well as basic documents and contacts.
Purchase through MV
It is necessary to fill in the Application for the implementation of the mini-tender (only Czech) , where it is necessary to state the relevant part number of the required products and send it to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic will conduct an abbreviated tender and select the cheapest offer.
The Ministry of the Interior will send the contract for signature. The contract must be published in the register of contracts and sent back to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
Purchase separately
It is necessary to send an email to the Central Contracting Authority, namely Mrs. Ing. Andree Blažeková information about the planned purchase.
Using the electronic marketplace, to implement an abbreviated VŘ from the five suppliers listed in the section Who to buy and where to consult , it is necessary to use the recommended contract and complete the purchase according to the law.
The framework agreement was concluded on 4 November 2020 for a definite period of four years or until the total price of performance in the amount of CZK 1,000,000,000, excluding VAT, is exhausted.
The framework agreement is concluded with five suppliers:
MERIT GROUP a.s. – IČ: 64609995
Com-Sys TRADE spol. s r.o. – IČ: 16188781
AUTOCONT a.s. – IČ: 04308697
ALWIL Trade, spol. s r.o. – IČ: 16188641
Data Protection Delivery Center, s.r.o. – IČ: 03064247
Central contracting authority
Order administration:
Ing. Andrea Blažeková – andrea.blazekova@mvcr.cz, phone +420 974 849 648, +420 730 522 335
ID data box: 6bnaawp
Web: Ministerstvo vnitra ČR – centrální nákup produktů VMware
Contact person:
Zach Josef
Information mail: VMware@alwil.com
Contact persons:
Martina Kubičková – martina.kubickova@autocont.cz
Petra Pácaltová – petra.pacaltova@autocont.cz
Email for this framework agreement: vmwrs@autocont.cz
Contact persons:
Mgr. Kateřina Gřešková, katerina.greskova@comsys.cz , phone: +420 222 866 111/105, +420 602 376 204
Mgr. Milan Böhm, milan.bohm@comsys.cz , phone: +420 222 866 111/102
Technical contacts:
Oldřich Větrovský, oldrich.vetrovsky@comsys.cz , phone: +420 222 866 111/117
Marek Žižka, marek.zizka@comsys.cz , phone: +420 222 866 111/119
Contact person:
Petr Dostálek – petr.dostalek@dpdc.cz, phone: +420 737 264 256
Contact person:
Martina Kocourková – martina.kocourkova@merit.cz, phone: +420 731 435 524
Technical contact:
Jaroslav Bant – Jaroslav.bant@merit.cz, phone: +420 603 462 838, technický ředitel
Contact persons:
Petr Bobek – petr.bobek@arrow.com, phone: +420 602 368 160,
Jiří Viktorín – jiri.viktorin@arrow.com, phone: +420 739 243 715,
Karel Novák – karel.novak@arrow.com, phone: +420 723 672 524,
Luděk Šoukal – ludek.soukal@arrow.com, phone: +420 733 788 580.
Contact persons:
Igor Stonawski – igor.stonawski@dell.com, phone: +420 736 750 109,
Radek Platzer – radek.platzer@dell.com, tel. +420 606 626 304.
Contact persons:
František Civín – frantisek.civin@techdata.com, phone: +420 602 333 513,
Martin Pospíšil – martin.pospisil@techdata.com, phone: +420 601 365 584,
Information email for the framework agreement – vmware-cz@techdata.com.