The student course evaluation / survey application (Anketa) provides IT support for student evaluations of courses and instructors. Anketa is launched twice during the academic year (once after each semester). The Computing Centre develops and operates the application, while faculty administrators apply their own survey settings (survey parameters, preparation and updating of questions, manual correction of printed survey sheets, etc.).
Available for
Students, Employees
Benefits and key features
- anketa provides all faculties and institutes with a tool to electronically prepare and implement surveys in which students evaluate courses and instructors,
- students are able to evaluate the quality of courses and of their instructors anonymously,
- instructors may react to the evaluation after the survey is concluded,
- supports the preparation and implementation of other faculty-defined surveys not directly related to course instruction and contents.,
- supports survey evaluation, i.e. statistics and other management outputs.
- a CTU identity (username and valid CTU password.
Getting started
- Each survey is linked to a specific faculty and consists of three phases:
- preparing the survey
- filling in the survey
- evaluating the survey
- Data for course evaluation surveys will be imported from KOS.
- Please report any errors in the application through HelpDesk (login required).
- Errors in survey data (e.g. a course that you took is missing, a course that you did not take is visible, missing course instructor, etc.) should be reported to the faculty survey administrator. Contact information can be found in the application under Information about Your Faculty.
- For an overview of roles, see the KOS authorisation documentation (Czech only, login required).