The portal has been created for easier orientation in MIS and AEDO subsystems containing modules of economic, management administration and electronic document circulation. The modules are well arranged via a signpost into the groups Employee, Head of Department, Management Information System, Economy and Finance, Specific Reports for Operating Personnel and Other Services. You will not have any difficulties searching or remembering frequently used modules as you will always have them at hand.

Available for


Benefits and key features

It provides users with services and information that can significantly influence decision-making concerning the operation of faculties and other departments of CTU in terms of human, financial and material resources in the first place; facilitates work overview for researchers and field workers to work with research tasks, grants, or field administration for solvers and specialised workers.


    • Management IS 
      It provides VERSO platform Business Intelligence (BI) solutions . It performs ETL operations using data from various transaction systems and provides outputs from the fields of economics, human resources and study. It is designed for executives, including top managers.
    • Solver Services
      The module makes available to the responsible persons-solvers economic and other outputs related to their contracts/grants based on their authorization (“MIS for solvers”).
    • FIS Control Reports
      It contains sFIS reports for accounting control.
    • XLS Reports
      It contains sFIS reports for the work of university department accountants.
      Limited availability: access is granted by the CTU accountant-general.
    • Wage Statement Data
      Reports for Human Resources projects.
    • Internal Demand and Ordering System
      It covers the entire purchasing process in the organization, from creating overviews for planning the volume of purchases for the next period, using internal e-shop where organisation requestors can purchase the usual way, to creating documents for the implementation of public procurement.
      Limited availability: FEL employees.
    • Postgraduate and other scholarships
      It makes the management of scholarships easier and more transparent. It provides the agenda for completing reports, including the approval process up to the final submission to the sFIS system for archiving. The report of paid scholarships that is sent to the MŠMT is included
      Limited availability: FEL employees.


    • The access rights of individual users and their scope are derived automatically from the classification of the user in the organizational structure and their function (head of department, deputy). Furthermore, from classification of a person as a solver of a contract, grant, task, etc. (in iFIS as a responsible person).
    • Roles are assigned to the system in the UserMap.
  • Agenda of Electronic Circulation and Documents (AEDO)

    AEDO is a modular system for electronic document circulation support. The system includes an implemented process that captures approval procedures that support electronic signatures. The system is connected via the integration interface to the central document repository (CUL) and the rest of the IS, where the primary code lists are located.


    • Substitutes
      Records of short-term substitutes of the head of the workplace from the organizational position.
    • Absences
      Records of employee absences from the workplace.
    • Business Trips
      Records of employees‘ business trips, including the approval process of travel order and business trip billing. Administration of vehicle records is also included.
    • Clearance Sheets
      Removal of liabilities to employee related to business trips.


    • The access rights of individual users and their scope are derived automatically from the classification of the user in the organizational structure and their function (head of department, deputy). Furthermore, from classification of a person as a solver of a contract, grant, task, etc. (in iFIS as a responsible person).
    • Roles are assigned to the system in the UserMap.
    • Personal certificate for AEDO.

Getting started

Authorization to operate AEDO (czech only).
Authorization to operate PES (czech only).

Content owner: CIC - Department of Economic and Administrative IS II. (81314) , Last change: 16.05.2023