Campus-Wide License – CTU multilicense for MATLAB, Simulink and their extensions/modules/libraries/tollboxes.
A programming and numerical computing platform used by engineers and scientists to analyze data, develop algorithms, create models, and simulate systems. It provides solutions in areas such as applied mathematics, machine learning, signal and communication processing, image processing and computer vision, financial analysis and modeling, control system design, robotics and many more.
Simulink is an extension for simulation and modeling of dynamic systems. It provides the user with the ability to quickly and easily create models of dynamic systems in the form of block diagrams.
Available for
Students, Employees
- Volume licensing allows users to use the software in various modes (network installation with CTU license server; online via account and MATLAB Portal at MathWorks; individual licenses for computers owned by the university and private computers of students and university staff) and in unlimited quantities.
- Installation media are available at or on the server (Download tab).
- Application libraries (modules/toolboxes) are available within the university-wide multi-license or are purchased separately by faculties and individual workplaces according to specialization.
Before you begin
1. Network license
A network license is suitable for installation in classrooms and laboratories – contact the administrator of your faculty for details. This license is only available from the school’s network addresses. You can get the installation by clicking on the appropriate version of Matlab posted on the Download, which contains instructions and a license file for proper operation.
2. Matlab Online
If you want to use MATLAB without the need for installation, you can use MATLAB Online, which is available to all students and university staff after creating an account with MathWorks and then logging in to a MathWorks account through the MATLAB Portal – points 1 to 4 below under the individual license.
3. Individual license
The following installation procedure applies to individual employee and student licenses.
- Go to the MATLAB Portal provided by your university.
- Select ‘Sign in to get started’ in section Get MATLAB and Simulink.
- Create an account with MathWorks using an email address from the subdomain. If you already have such an account, log in to it.
- Your MathWorks account will be automatically linked to the license and you will be redirected to the installer download page.
- Click the Download button with the current version.
- Choose one of the supported operating systems and download the installer.
Installation and activation
The installer you downloaded is located in the default download folder, unless you have specified otherwise.
Run the installer
In the installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and follow the on-screen instructions.
When prompted, select the license you want to use.
Select the products you want to download and install.
After downloading and installing the products, check the Activate MATLAB option and click Next.
When requesting a username, make sure the display name is correct. Then continue with the activation.
An illustrative step-by-step installation guide is available for download.
!!! Note: To use the Matlab online license or an individual license, an email from the domain is now required. !!!
- On-line courses for MATLAB at MATLAB Academy (after logging in with a MathWorks account)
- MATLAB Online
- MATLAB Drive
- MATLAB Mobile
- IoT platforma integrated with MATLAB
- Videos and Webinars
- MATLAB Examples
Technical support: IT administrator of your faculty and CTU Computer and Information Center.
Extensive calculations – MATLAB Parallel Server
You can use MATLAB Parallel Server to use high-performance computing methods on computing clusters owned by the university. Contact technical support for more information.
Application libraries
- Simulink
- 5G Toolbox
- Aerospace Blockset
- Aerospace Toolbox
- Antenna Toolbox
- Audio Toolbox
- Automated Driving Toolbox
- Bioinformatics Toolbox
- Communications Toolbox
- Computer Vision Toolbox
- Control System Toolbox
- Curve Fitting Toolbox
- Data Acquisition Toolbox
- Database Toolbox
- Datafeed Toolbox
- Deep Learning Toolbox
- DSP System Toolbox
- Econometrics Toolbox
- Embedded Coder
- Filter Design HDL Coder
- Financial Instruments Toolbox
- Financial Toolbox
- Fixed-Point Designer
- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
- Global Optimization Toolbox
- GPU Coder
- HDL Coder
- HDL Verifier
- Image Acquisition Toolbox
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Instrument Control Toolbox
- LTE HDL Toolbox
- LTE Toolbox
- Mapping Toolbox
- MATLAB Coder
- MATLAB Compiler
- MATLAB Compiler SDK
- MATLAB Parallel Server
- MATLAB Report Generator
- Mixed-Signal Blockset
- Model Predictive Control Toolbox
- Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
- OPC Toolbox
- Optimization Toolbox
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
- Phased Array System Toolbox
- Polyspace Bug Finder
- Polyspace Bug Finder Access
- Polyspace Bug Finder Server
- Polyspace Code Prover
- Polyspace Code Prover Access
- Polyspace Code Prover Server
- Powertrain Blockset
- Predictive Maintenance Toolbox
- Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
- RF Blockset
- RF Toolbox
- Risk Management Toolbox
- Robotics System Toolbox
- Robust Control Toolbox
- Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox
- SerDes Toolbox
- Signal Processing Toolbox
- SimBiology
- SimEvents
- Simscape
- Simscape Driveline
- Simscape Electrical
- Simscape Fluids
- Simscape Multibody
- Simulink 3D Animation
- Simulink Check
- Simulink Code Inspector
- Simulink Coder
- Simulink Control Design
- Simulink Coverage
- Simulink Design Optimization
- Simulink Design Verifier
- Simulink Desktop Real-Time
- Simulink PLC Coder
- Simulink Real-Time
- Simulink Report Generator
- Simulink Requirements
- Simulink Test
- SoC Blockset
- Spreadsheet Link
- Stateflow
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Symbolic Math Toolbox
- System Composer
- System Identification Toolbox
- Text Analytics Toolbox
- Trading Toolbox
- Vehicle Dynamics Blockset
- Vehicle Network Toolbox
- Vision HDL Toolbox
- Wavelet Toolbox
- WLAN System Toolbox