
  • max. file size 2 GB
  • max. size of personal website is 10 GB / user and max. number of items (files and folders) in OneDrive is 20 000, in other document libraries 5 000
  • the maximum size of a team site is 25 GB / user and the maximum number of items (files and folders) in each document library is 5 000
  • it is not allowed to upload these types of files to the document libraries: * .bat, * .cmd, * .config, * .dll, * .exe, * .json, * .ps1, * .url, * .vbs, etc.
  • file names can have up to 128 characters. Folder names can contain up to 250 characters. File name and folder name combinations can have up to 250 characters.
  • invalid characters in file name: \ /: *? “> | # {}% ~ & and also a file name that begins with a dot . or contains two dots .. is not supported


  • max. size of personal website is 1 TB / user and max. number of items in OneDrive is 20 000, in other document libraries 5 000

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination II. (81380) , Last change: 06.09.2019