The International Mobility service provides support for short-term academic stays – for international students at CTU as well as for CTU students abroad – and for CTU staff travelling abroad.
Available for
Students, Employees
Benefits and key features
- Support for arriving international students participating in short-term academic stays,
- application for a short-term academic stay,
- creation of CTU identities (electronic access credentials) for arriving international students,
- course offerings for arriving international students (Prospectus module),
- approval of registered courses,
- transcript of completed courses,
- support for CTU students departing for short-term academic stays abroad,
- staff internships and academic stays,
- list of partner institutions and placements for a teaching stay,
- list of bilateral agreements,
- overview of fields of study,
- creation of applications for teaching stays,
- creation of applications for training programmes,
- ability to browse teaching stays – training programmes (vč. application materials and modifications to them),
- linked to the FIS financial management system.
- a CTU identity (username and valid CTU password.
Getting started
- Offerings of short-term academic stays abroad are usually provided on the individual faculty websites.
- For an overview of roles, see the KOS authorisation documentation (Czech only, login required).