GTF system serves to real estate administration.
Available for
Benefits and key features
- database of owned and used CTU real estate,
- primary source of data on the register of rooms, floors, buildings, premises and plots of land,
- layouts and plans of buildings.
basic modules:
- passport,
- land registry.
superstructural modules:
- spatial management,
- maintenance,
- technology,
- property,
- entities
for module descriptions see Authorization to Operate GTFacilities (in Czech only)
- access to a component based on an approved role in UserMap system,
- for a full access it is necessary to install a client application, current MS Windows systems are supported (both 32 and 64 bit).
Getting started
- authorization to run GTFacilities,
- GTF manuals and client installation file (accessible only from,CTU network),
- web interface access offers only basic functions and does not replace in full the client applications,
- access to the application „ŠTÍTKY“. Necessary to have the following role „B-USERMAP-XX000-SPRAVCE-STITKU-MISTNOSTI“. The applications is used to print tags for room doors including the QR code. It is based on the data in GTF and it is possible to add further relevant data,
- authorization to operate (czech only).