If are affiliated with CTU as a partner (lifelong learning participant, external person, external contractor, external teacher, interrupted student, pupil of the University Primary School), you need

  • a CTU identity (this will be arranged by your contact person at your faculty or other university facility),
  • your username and CTU password (can be obtained at the CTU Card Office or you can contact password administrators at your faculty or university facility).

Once you have set a password and have a valid identity, you can start using the CTU information systems.

If a workspace and telephone line were assigned to you it is recommended to verify the accuracy of these details in UserMap.

Furthermore, you can regularly set your CTU password and eduroam password there, the latter of which is needed to connect to the eduroam wi-fi network. You can also use UserMap to find contact information for other people at CTU.

In case of technical problems with CTU information systems contact your department-specific or university IT administrators. Each CTU web service should have the contact information for the individual responsible for technical support in the footer. General inquiries are sent through HelpDesk ČVUT, but each faculty may have its own IT support procedures.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 01.08.2024