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The VPN service is intended for access to the CTU network for employees and PhD students. It allows them to use applications accessible from the CTU network from home.

Set up using Network Manager in Linux

If you are using KDE, you need to have the knetworkmanager package installed on Gnome networkmanager. In Fedora and Ubuntu, it is part of the standard installation, including the vpnc or openconnect package.

The status in other distributions may vary.

Open the Network Manager menu by clicking on its icon, select VPN connection and Set up VPN .

Figure 1: Network Manager

Click on the Add button in the VPN tab.

Figure 2: Network connection

Select Cisco compatible VPN (vpnc) from the drop-down menu and confirm.

Figure 3: Type of VPN connection

Fill in as shown (if you want to use a group other than vpn, contact VPN administrators for more information).Replace usermap_password and usermap_login with a username that is used, for example, when you log in to KOS.Leave the Ipv4 Settings tab in the default state. Confirm everything with the Apply button.

Figure 4: Editing CVUT_VPN

This completes the account creation procedure on the computer and we can start using VPN.

Figure 5: Using CVUT_VPN

To connect to the VPN, expand the Network Manager menu again and select the account we just created.

Figure 6: CVUT_VPN connection

Once connected, the Manager icon changes and detects a successful login. Disconnection is performed again via the Network Manager icon.

Figure 7: Disconnecting CVUT_VPN

Connect using the vpnc command

To connect using the command in the console, we just need (with root rights) to enter:

vpnc --gateway vpn.cvut.cz --id vpn --username usermap_login --natt-mode natt

You will be asked for your VPN group password and usermap password. To check the connection, enter the ifconfig command, which should show us a virtual adapter (eg tun0) with an address in the range disconnect, enter vpnc-disconnect .

For other options, see the vpnc man pages.

Additional VPN tutorials

Instructions for Windows 8 and 10 
Instructions for Windows 7 
Manual for Rectorate of CTU


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