Your identity at CTU (username, password, certificates,…) gives you access to protected information managed by CTU. Therefore, it is important to protect your access data against misuse.

Identity theft

The protection of your data and logins begins with you, because when they are already in the hands of others, you do not have many ways to limit the use of this information. Therefore, be careful when filling in various questionnaires and unsolicited links.

Protect passwords

One of the potential weaknesses in data protection in general is your password. Although CTU is trying to prevent your passwords from being disclosed and guessed, there is still a threat that a password written on the monitor, under the keyboard, or set as your child’s name and year of birth will be revealed by the attacker. Be careful and choose passwords securely and do not leave them accessible.

Unsolicited mail (SPAM) and phishing

Many attacks are conducted through a combination of unsolicited mail (SPAM) and a hacked website with a link to SPAM. Another common method is phishing messages. Do not open unsolicited mails or mails from unknown addresses. If you are suspicious, also check the sender´s address. The CTU administrator will not send messages from, although he seems as CTU administrator. Use appropriate settings to reduce the amount of unsolicited mail.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 16.08.2019