• Menu: the menu is structured according to study agendas. Their availability is influenced by the role of the logged in user. 
  • A form is any screen that appears after selecting an item in the KOS menu. Data is loaded into forms from Oracle database. The general rule applies to all forms: the detail (s) of the selected record are available via the buttons at the top of the form, the functions above multiple records and available for the current form are available via the tabs located at the left edge of the forms. 
  • You can use the toolbar or shortcut keys for basic application control that allows you to create new records, sort, search, print, export, etc. Note that a significant difference is that the Esc key is not used to exit forms and escape functions, as is common with other applications. The keyboard shortcut F4 is used here. 
key importance
F4 escape key (exit form, close window,…)
F1 help
Ctrl + K display a list of all ‘live’ direct dial keys and their sequences
Ctrl + Insert Copy selected text
Shift + Insert Paste copied text
Ctrl + O the author data will be displayed
ESC + F7 display all text in case of longer text in KOS
F2 confirmation of changes ie. saving
F7, F8 enter a query: 
F7… enters query mode, fill in the filter values ​​in the fields 
F8… query execution, only records according to query will be displayed in the form 
Esc + F8 after F7… shows the number of query records
Enter, respectively. F9 move the cursor to the next, respectively. the previous form field
F6 new record
EscF6 cancel the record
EscF9 deleting the field containing the cursor
F3 value list menu 
(accessible when the word “List” appears in the lower right corner of the screen)
darts move the cursor to the next, respectively. previous record within one block
PgDn, PgUp move the cursor to the next, respectively. the previous form block


!!!  Translated by Google Translate  !!!

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 16.08.2019 , Štítky: instructionKOS-en