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In the list of roles on your personal card or after searching, you will find text strings expressing the role. Here, two examples demonstrate how to understand them.
- B – these are roles that express your classification at CTU from the point of view of the organizational structure
- 13101 – the number of the CTU organizational unit – there are more than 500 of them – this is the department of mathematics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. If you see 00000, then it is CTU and 12000, i.e. a number with whole thousands, then it is a faculty or part of CTU. 12000 is the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
- EMPLOYEE – employee. STUDENT means a student, EXTERNAL PERSON means an external person. It is simple.
- N – these are roles that express the relationship of the role holder to CTU from the point of view of cost centers
- 14000 – number of the organizational unit to which the law applies.
- SFIS – system name. SFIS is an economic accounting system.
- UCETNI – the name of the role or rights in the given system. You can read about what the role can do, who approves it or according to which rule you get it in the authorization to operate the system <html link>.
In the system of roles, there was a change in the methodology of their marking and structure from (1/2/2023) . The original 2 types have been replaced by a more general structure, which is described on the ” New role methodology – 2023 ” page.
Also, know that each role has/can have the following properties :
- Automatically obtained roles – Most often result from your relationship with CTU (for example, a relationship of the type student of B.C. studies at FBMI).
- Roles gained by approval – These are both functions within the organizational structure and roles that give you access to the system. For example, the role B-16000-DEAN is approved by the rector, i.e. the person with the role B-00000-RECTOR.
- Suspended Roles – These are roles that you gain by virtue of having acquired a base role. For example, if you get the role B-15000-STUDENT (you are a student of FA), you also get role B-15000-OSOBA-CVUT (you are a general person of FA), role B-00000-SUMA-STUDENT (you are indirectly a student of CTU) and role B -00000-OSOBA-CVUT (you are an indirect general person of CTU).
- Approver Role – If a role is to be approved, it has the Approver role listed with it.
- Prerequisite role – If role A is listed as prerequisite role B, then it is not possible to obtain and have role A without having prerequisite role B. For example, role T-FIS-13000-UCETNI can only be held by a person who is an employee of CTU. Therefore, the role that is conditional is the role B-00000-SUMA-EMPLOYEE. When he ceases to be an employee, the role T-FIS-13000-UCETNI will also come.
- Exclusive Role – If an exclusive role is specified for a role, the user cannot have both roles at the same time. This is how it is treated, for example, that the dean cannot be a member of the academic senate.
- K aranténa – It is entered in days and tells how long you will have the role assigned, although the terms of its assignment have already passed. Such a role is, for example, the role T-AD-00000-STUDENT-180-DNU. It gives certain rights to students who have finished their studies at CTU within 180 days after graduation.