In your personal profile settings, you can add a mobile phone number that will be used to send information in the event of a crisis notification.

We strongly recommend that you enter at least one of your mobile numbers into the system.

Note: Landline phone numbers cannot be used in the event of a crisis notification!


How to do it?

1. Log in to the UserMap page with your CTU username and CTU password


2. After logging in, select the “User profile” option on the right next to your name.


3. In the “Settings” tab, select the “Phone numbers settings” option.


4. In the displayed dialog, you will find the phone numbers registered with you.


5. If your number is not in the list, you can add it via the Add phone number -> Private phone number button.


Note: If the form returns an error that the number already exists, try adding it as a CTU phone number.
UserMap contains a system phone number directory and if the number is owned by CTU, you need to select it from the directory.



6. After clicking on the pencil detail, you can set the details for the given phone number.




For each number, you can set its Visibility, which determines where your phone number will be visible.

The option: Show within the CTU IS sets the number so that it can be used by every information system at CTU (both school-wide and faculty systems).

The option: Hide within the CTU IS indicates that the number will be stored only in the CTU UserMap application and is forwarded to the system to support crisis notifications, where it can be used in the event of a crisis situation at CTU / faculty.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Integration and Coordination I. (81370) , Last change: 04.12.2024 , Štítky: instructionUserMap-en