You can use geteduroam to automatically set them up to connect to the eduroam network. You can download the geteduroam application from the App Store. During installation, you only enter your username in the format and your eduroam password, which you can set at Setup using geteduroam is preferred over manual setup due to simplicity and security for users (all options regarding certificates, authentication methods and encryption are already pre-filled for CTU).

How to set up the eduroam network using geteduroam for iOS 15.0 and higher

Download geteduroam from the App Store and install it.

Open the geteduroam application, search for Czech Technical University in Prague and confirm CONNECT.

Enter your username in the format and your eduroam password, which you can set at Then confirm the addition and connect to the network.

You should now be connected to the Internet. You can check the connection status in the Wi-Fi settings.

Content owner: CIC - Department of Network and Computer Administration (81340) , Last change: 28.02.2024 , Štítky: eduroam-eninstruction