Dear users, for many of you, the year of using the PES / AEDO system has already been filled or will soon be fulfilled. In this context, you must renew the certificate. An updated guide on how to perform this action is available here on the website. The manual is available both for download and presented on the website. We recommend that you save the link to the page rather than download the instructions. On this page, we will keep the content of the manual up to date, which unfortunately we cannot do in the case of a file that you download and save once on your device.

In essence, the certificate is always issued new and you cannot have 2 valid certificates at the same time.
If your certificate is still valid, you do not have to do anything, but if you have a good time and you want to secure a certificate with a longer validity, you must follow point 5 in the instructions.
You can find out the validity of your certificate after logging in on the website.

Last change: 04.12.2020